Economic feasibility analysis of a medical mask closed-loop supply chain: A Canadian case study


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Villalobos, E., Boukherroub, T., Hof, L. et El-Asli, N. (2023) Economic feasibility analysis of a medical mask closed-loop supply chain: A Canadian case study. Dans CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada DOI 10.60662/bqbv-ne23.

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The world is being exposed to a global health crisis due to covid-19. This situation is generating an unprecedented increase in the use of single-use medical materials, notably procedural facemasks. This study focuses on the design and planning of a closed-loop supply chain (SC) for dealing with end-of-life procedural facemasks. An optimization model to efficiently collect and recycle used procedural facemasks is proposed. The main benefits are the correct disposal of contaminated products and component recycling. The considered SC network includes virgin raw material, suppliers, facemask manufacturing centers, warehouses, distribution centers, business clients, collection centers, dismantling and recycling centers, and finally, clients for the recycled components. Decisions to be made include material flows in the network, supplier and facility (collection and recycling centers) selection in order to maximize the profit of the SC. A realistic case study is created based on real data gathered from different industrial partners in the Montreal region. Various scenarios are analyzed to identify the conditions under which the SC is profitable.

Type de document: Document issu d'une conférence ou d'un atelier (NON SPÉCIFIÉ)
Mots-clés libres: Single-use medical materials Procedural facemasks Reverse Logistics Closed-loop supply chain Recycling Circular economy
Date de dépôt: 17 août 2023 18:06
Dernière modification: 01 sept. 2023 19:14

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