Maritime Vessel Routing problems with safety concerns : A review


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Sharif, N., Rönnqvist, M., Cordeau, J.-F. et Audy, J.-F. (2023) Maritime Vessel Routing problems with safety concerns : A review. Dans CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada DOI 10.60662/N5FR-W867.

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Nowadays, a large proportion of international trade relies on maritime transport. Hence, route optimization of cargo vessels is an essential planning problem. Safety is an important research area in maritime transportation. The last decade has seen a growing interest in considering safety aspects in routing problems. Safety is a crucial aspect and an all-time concern to any captain and this even prior the ship’s sailing. Therefore, there is a need to understand the models and methods used to consider safety in previous studies. This work presents a maritime-specific review of routing problems coupled with safety aspects, along with relevant examples of other transportation industries such as road, rail, and air. Our review highlights the need for decision support tools that can effectively manage multiple objectives, including safety-related objectives, in maritime routing problems.

Type de document: Document issu d'une conférence ou d'un atelier (NON SPÉCIFIÉ)
Mots-clés libres: Vehicle routing problem Safety Maritime transportation Multi-objective optimization Shipping
Date de dépôt: 17 août 2023 12:11
Dernière modification: 01 sept. 2023 18:01

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