La Palombaral, N., Behiri, W., Belmokhtar-Berraf, S., Chu, C. et Sali, M. (2023) A real-life batch-sizing and sequencing problem with buffer & sequence-dependent setup times. Dans CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada DOI 10.60662/q6rp-jn46.
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This study was inspired by a real-life problem and concerns an injection machine that can produce several types of products, each requiring a specific configuration. Depending on which configuration is set up, the production rate will be distinct, and the minimum batch size is to be respected. The time horizon is one day and it is decomposed into very small time slots. The problem is organizing batch production attempting to meet a given demand by keeping buffer levels within predefined intervals and maximizing resource efficiency. Sequence-dependent setup time and stock coverage are taken into consideration. An integer linear programming (ILP) model is proposed to solve the problem with an original modeling approach that determines the optimal sequence of machine states over the time horizon. We distinguish three possible types of states the machine can hold: production, setup, and idle. The ILP is validated by performing experiments with different-sized instances. Finally, we conclude this study by presenting future extensions to consider parallel machines that share common resources required to perform setup operations.
Type de document: | Document issu d'une conférence ou d'un atelier (NON SPÉCIFIÉ) |
Mots-clés libres: | Single machine Batch-sizing Sequencing Setup times Capacitated buffers |
Date de dépôt: | 16 août 2023 17:47 |
Dernière modification: | 25 août 2023 18:20 |
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